Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Scalable Care, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our clients and website visitors. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard personal information in compliance with Canadian privacy laws.

1. Collection of Personal Information

1.1 Unless the purposes for collecting personal information are obvious and the individual voluntarily provides their personal information for those purposes, we will communicate the purposes for which personal information is being collected, either orally or in writing, before or at the time of collection.

1.2 We will only collect personal information that is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Verifying identity (including name, company name, email, business address, and business telephone number).
  • Identifying client preferences (including name, company name, email, business address, and business telephone number).
  • Understanding the needs of our clients (including name, company name, email, business address, and business telephone number).
  • Delivering requested products and services (including name, company name, email, business address, and business telephone number).
  • Providing marketing services (including name, company name, email, business address, and business telephone number).
  • Ensuring a high standard of service to our clients (including name, company name, email, business address, and business telephone number).

2. Consent

2.1 We will obtain individual consent to collect, use, or disclose personal information, except where authorized to do so without consent.

2.2 Consent can be provided orally, in writing, electronically, through an authorized representative, or implied where the purpose is obvious and the individual voluntarily provides personal information for that purpose.

2.3 Consent may also be implied when a notice is given, and individuals have a reasonable opportunity to opt-out of their personal information being used for specific purposes such as mail-outs, marketing, or fundraising.

2.4 Individuals can withhold or withdraw consent for us to use their personal information in certain ways, subject to legal exceptions. However, this may restrict our ability to provide certain services or products, which will be explained to the individual.

2.5 We may collect, use, or disclose personal information without consent in limited circumstances, such as when required by law, available from public sources, for legal advice, debt collection, fraud protection, investigation, or to protect our interests.

3. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

3.1 We will use and disclose personal information only for purposes identified at the time of collection or reasonably related purposes, including:

  • Conducting client surveys to enhance our services.
  • Contacting clients directly about products and services that may be of interest.

3.2 We will not use or disclose personal information for additional purposes without consent, and we will not sell personal information to third parties without consent.

4. Retaining Personal Information

4.1 Personal information used in decisions affecting individuals will be retained for at least one year, allowing individuals to request access to it.

4.2 We will retain personal information only as long as necessary for identified purposes or legal/business purposes.

5. Ensuring Accuracy of Personal Information

5.1 We will make reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of personal information used in decisions about individuals.

5.2 Individuals may request corrections to their personal information in writing, providing sufficient details for identification and correction. Requests should be sent to Scalable Care’s Privacy Officer.

5.3 If personal information is found to be inaccurate or incomplete, we will correct it and notify any organizations to which it was disclosed in the previous year if applicable.

6. Securing Personal Information

6.1 We are committed to safeguarding personal information from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal, or similar risks.

6.2 Security measures, including proper destruction of personal information, will be employed to protect it.

7. Providing Access to Personal Information

7.1 Individuals have the right to access their personal information, subject to limited exceptions outlined in Canadian privacy laws.

7.2 Requests for access should be made in writing, providing sufficient details for identification, and directed to Scalable Care’s Privacy Officer.

7.3 Upon request, we will also inform individuals how their personal information is used and to whom it has been disclosed, if applicable.

7.4 Information will be provided within 30 business days, or notice of an extension will be provided if needed.

7.5 A minimal fee may be charged for providing access to personal information, and individuals will be informed of the cost and may provide further direction on proceeding with the request.

7.6 If a request is refused in whole or in part, the individual will be notified in writing, including the reasons and available recourse.

8. Questions and Complaints: The Role of the Privacy Officer

8.1 The Privacy Officer, Kyle Sanker, is responsible for ensuring Scalable Care’s compliance with this policy and applicable privacy laws. Individuals may direct complaints, concerns, or questions regarding compliance to the Privacy Officer.


Privacy Officer: Kyle Sanker

Address: 5740 176a St #208, Surrey, BC V3S 4H2

Telephone: 604-992-1712


This policy underscores Scalable Care’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the privacy of our clients and website visitors, ensuring compliance with Canadian privacy laws, and fostering trust in our client relationships.

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